See link to downloadable flyer below for more information (please print and share with family, friends, and neighbors)
- Blooms of blue-green algae increased through the past several weeks. These potentially-toxic blooms should be avoided at all times
- Children and pets are most vulnerable to the algae, which may cause skin irritation, nausea, vomiting, throat irritation, or difficulty breathing
- Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell if a bloom is toxic without laboratory testing; the Lake County Health Department has been contacted several times this summer about algae blooms and should be out this week to take water samples - we will report their findings as soon as available
- Please take caution and avoid any contact with potentially harmful blue-green algae
- LLISA and the local ‘Woods and Wetlands’ chapter of Sierra Club are proud to announce an official Sierra Club campaign to reduce phosphorus and blue-green algae in Long Lake
- Representatives from Sierra Club and LLISA meet monthly to research, analyze and discuss strategies to limit blue-green algae blooms
- Thanks to Gloria Charland for her leadership navigating this issue, which is complex and has no easy (or low cost) solutions
- Please contact LLISA if you are interested in joining the effort. More volunteers needed.
- Work progresses on Baxter's connection to the public sewer; though final approvals and permits still must be obtained, Baxter intends to start construction by end of September
- LLISA thanks Judy Martini for working with Lake County, Round Lake, Fox Lake, Lakes Region Sanitary District and Baxter to make sure this important connection happens
- Thanks go out again to Lake County Board Representative, Judy Martini, and Grant Township Highway Commissioner, Kim Kiesgen, for their tireless support through the historic flood event we experienced in July
- Both worked with LLISA on an almost daily basis to help coordinate emergency response services, connect residents to emergency aid, arrange for garbage service to flood-affected areas, and pushed for the removal of the giant bog that obstructed Squaw Creek near the Route 59 bridge
- Gratitude to Barb Meudt, who volunteered to manage LLISA's membership records - Barb and Treasurer, Ryan Ripley, are recording all membership information and dues payments; Barb took on this big job with great enthusiasm and also sent receipts, stickers, and keys to residents
- Congratulations to Peg Toomey for coordinating the very successful lake clean-up in June. We had dozens of volunteers who pulled several truck-loads of debris out of the lake.
- RJ Ringa will be stepping down as LLISA President and Board Member at the conclusion of 2017
- All lake residents are strongly encouraged to serve on the LLISA Board of Directors; Contact RJ Ringa at [email protected] for more information

long_lake_blue-green_algae_flyer__printable_2_page.pdf |