As a result, the agenda for the Lake County Public Works Committee Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, 2017 has changed from what Judy Martini originally communicated to LLISA.
This news does not mean an official agreement to connect has been reached. However, this is the first time Baxter has openly stated its intention to connect to the sewer system. There is still a great deal of work to be done by Baxter, local and county governments, and the local sanitary districts.
LLISA plans to stay the course and will still attend the Public Works Meeting on Wednesday. While it is unclear if Baxter will attend, LLISA will be represented. Long Lake residents are still encouraged to attend unless the agenda item (8.13 Discussion regarding a sewer fee waiver request) is eliminated entirely.
In the meantime, LLISA will continue to monitor the situation, standing firm that Baxter must connect to the public sewer as soon as possible and not seek renewal of their NPDES permit in 2018. LLISA encourages all parties to work together to make Baxter’s swift sewer connection a reality.
The agenda for Wednesday’s meeting can be found here (Section 8.13).