Remember that only Bronze, Silver, and Gold donors will have their names engraved on a commemorative plaque at the dam site once construction is completed.
Gold - $1000+
Silver – $750-$999
Bronze - $500-$749
Patron – under $500
Bill & Elaine Axelsen
John & Christine Bishof
Jeff & Maria Cherif
Ronald & Joan Hill
Ron & Lillyanna HillI
NDABA Properties Hill
Roger & Barb Layland
Jim & Beata Miller
Todd & Patty Ochsenschlager
R.J Ringa and Megan McCurry
Robyn & Bob Ringa, Jr.
Bill and Ronie Madden
Arndt & Gaynor
Kevin and Tamara Baum
Jack & Jill Cahill
Dale Coy
Michael & Danielle Grant
Tim & Kate Habben
Dan & Beth Hermann
Erik & Emily Herrmann
Richard & Carol Marubio
James and Carol Moak
Leigh & Jerry Pitts
Norm & Suzi Reese
Roland & Zoila Reynolds
Andrew & Colleen Ringa
Ryan & Miranda Ripley
Paul & Sue Rosales
Sam & Cathy Wiener
Long Lake Yacht Club
John Adolf
Bernie & Jeannie Adolf
Brad & Cheri Angelbeck
Terry & Gaye Baldocchi
Jay & Jennifer Barber
Malcolm & Patricia Brooks
Sean & Whitney Buck
Pleasant Hill Improvement Assn c/o Cindy King
Vicky Carlson
Tony & Gloria Charland
Bob & Diana Clark
Evie Cooper
Joseph Damien
Tim & Jean Ferrara
Dr & Mrs Frank A Folk
Jim and Lisa Fudacz
Brian and Alison Fudacz
Thomas & Joyce Gack
Linda Garvanian
Owen Gilleland
Glenna Gilleland
Dale Gilleland
Susan Pribyl & Grant Benjamin
Jim & Melissa Hanke
Mike and Kelly Hirn
Al & Roseanne Hoekstra
Mike Janosi
Linnae Johnson
James & Christine Jorgensen
Ron & Barbara Kedzorski
William & Marilyn Kercher
Brent Khazei
Craig & Lisa Kmichik
Pete & Mary Koppers
Judy Kuehn
Parkway by the Lake / J.Ming
Mike Lee Patrick Long
Robert & Shirley Lugo
Danny Madden
Billy Madden
Carol/Barbara Magnine/Erber
Jill & Bill McDermott
Dan & Maga McElroy
Matt Menoni & Beth Huisman
Barbara & Jacob Meudt
Jeanette Mucha
Fred & Margaret Nauert & Richelle Hughes
Mr & Mrs Lloyd C Nybo
Ray & Marge Olson
John & Alexandra Papadopoulos
John & Paula Pelissero
James & Sandra Perkins
Judy Perryman
Beth & Dana Pitel
Ken & Lydia Reca
Javier Rodriguez
Darlene Schmalzer
Nancy Schroeder
Charles Simons
Blair & Susan Simpson
Jami Spychal
Patty Stanko
Frank & Beth Swindle
Frank Urman
Steve & Jori Walker
LeRo and Danielle Weidner
Jere Weliver Family
Wilson 2nd Subdivision Improvement Assn.
Emilie Woods
Marcella & David Zipp